We have various links to clients and venues as well as suppliers, photographers and bloggers. If you are interested in purchasing any of the equipment, kit or costume you have seen us using in our displays, please click on the links for the suppliers.
Authentically reproduced armour from a professional UK armourer
Medieval belts, buckles, castings, goldwork & jewellery
Period or themed costume from professional UK seamstress
Period authentic hand-made shoes of exceptional quality
Authenic hand-made, fully provenanced historical head-wear & Hats
Ethically sourced furs for furnishing and clothes
Medieval leather work, domestic and military knives. Standard or custom work
Medieval hand-made felted hats
Pewter items: buttons, belt mounts,
jewellery, chains of office and pilgrim badges
Pewter items: buttons, belt mounts,
jewellery, chains of office and pilgrim badges